22 May, 2009

The addressable amount of RAM....

Usually RAM is not at all a headache for nowadays computers since it is cheaper and comes as a single modules with multy GBs... U dont need to buy 2 RAMs with 1GB each for a total of 2 GB... Instead u will get a 2GB in a single module with a price difference of ~ 500 /- from 1 GB...We usually hear upto 4GB commonly. But dont think that a heavy amount of RAM can boost your system performance to a supersonic speed... Understand the maximum byte addressibility of the operating system that u are going to use before u choose the amount of the RAM...

For instance see the following case...

Usually the operating that we are using in our home or office are 32 bit..The 32bit version of the Windows XP / Vista are mainly used in almost all computers except high-end ones..32 bit versions of Windows vista and XP can address only 3.5K main memory....That is even if u have 4 or 5 or 6 or greater GBs plugged in your system, the opeating system will read only 3.5Gb.... The operating system uses only 3.5 GB out of the 4 or 5 or greater GB of the RAMs...

In this cases, if u see the properties tag of windows u may see only 3.5 GB while ur BIOS shows the correct amount of main memory plugged in...

If u need to make use of the full amount of the RAM, choose to install 64 bit versions of the operating systems which can handle upto 128 GB of the RAM...
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21 May, 2009

customization for linux...themes...wallpapers....

To find what u need in linux for customizing and to enhance the appearence....

log on to....


go with your bag...to download....it worth no paisa...
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applying the security and encryption to folders from admin to user

U may be bored of trying some third party software for the purpose of providing some encryption to the folders and files. But in vista it can be simlpy done with the help of windows security system...First of all u have to create a different user account other than your administrator account... Login to your administrator account and move to the folder which u want to encrypt.

Right click and select the properties tag... move onto the security tab...
[fig 1] there u will see some accounts like administrator,user ...
Click on the Advanced button.......................................

If list will not have the user account... click the add button and type in the name of the user u want...

Select the user [fig 2]... click on the edit button [fig3] to change the security previlages,
Another window will be opened and u can do any thing u wish at that window...

Thier u can provide/deny full control or provide read only access or something like that u see their... as u wish...

thats all ...

Now logout out from the administrator account and login as the user... and try to access that folder...

you cant access it......
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15 May, 2009

C++ program to scroll a line of text

c++ program to scroll a line of text......
can u scroll a line of text horizontally over the screen.... like in power point
here s how i have done it using turbo c++... if u have any new & simple idea...comment

hint: actually we feel the text as scrolling due to the persistence of vision...
what you have to do is
pass1: move the entire text after removing the first character to one position left..
pass2: move the entire text after removing the next character to one position left..
pass n

// code is follows

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Package managers in Ubuntu

To install an application in linux we have some architecture that is different from the windows. Ubuntu uses some package installer programs like Synaptic package manager for this purpose...

What u have to do is just right click on the package file select 'open with' search for the
Synaptic package manager or GDebi Package manager... That's all....
The package manager automatically installs the package. It may show some dependancies...ie to install 'this' u must remove 'that'.... That's not at all a matter of fact... continue...

Some programs may active only before u restart the system....
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Packages and applications for Ubuntu

U may be having a linux as well as windows in your computer... Most probably the linux inside your computer may be just only for a show... I bet, most of u be login to that account one/two times in a week.

y this happens... here is one important answer and a nice solution to that....
probably the linux system that will be getting to you after the installation consist of ony basic softwares...

u may have many of the media files in your system cannot be played using those applications provided....,

can't compile your java/c++ programs due to no compiler associated with ur terminal...,

u can't customize the appearence to a great extent...

u can't connect to a wifi link in ur college/railway station/hotel room with ur network tool.

The solution...
There are a vast range of applications are available for installing in the linux...
These applications are called packages...and can be installed from some commands using ur linux terminal. Also their are available as packages itself from the websites.

eg: www.appnr.com

U just download it and install them by using ur webbrowser to login to appnr... I'm sure u will get a sexy OS never before.

To install a package in ubuntu look for the next post....
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14 May, 2009

How To Reinstall grub in Ubuntu (upto Ubuntu 9.04)

1. Put the ubuntu installation disk in your drive and boot it with the live cd option.
2. Open gnome terminal and type the following commands...

$ sudo grub

~ find /boot/grub/stage1

then the terminal will show you the partitions with stage 1
for the time being let it be the following..


~ setup hd(0,5) or ~ install hd(0,5)

3. Exit terminal.

It's the time to restart your system and see the reloaded grub !!!
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Tricks for vi editor: (for linux)

vi editor is one of the file editors in linux systems.

here's some tricks for exploiting it:
configure line no: on the go

$set number-causes the line numbers to be displayed.

$set nonumber-to turn off the line numbers

$set ignorecase-causes searches to be case insensitive

$help- to list other such commands along with their usage and parameters.

To spell check in a vi editor:

To do spell check without leaving the vi session, try the following key sequence
inside the vi:

$w !spell -b

This command will give u the list of the commands that are mispelled.
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