15 May, 2009

Packages and applications for Ubuntu

U may be having a linux as well as windows in your computer... Most probably the linux inside your computer may be just only for a show... I bet, most of u be login to that account one/two times in a week.

y this happens... here is one important answer and a nice solution to that....
probably the linux system that will be getting to you after the installation consist of ony basic softwares...

u may have many of the media files in your system cannot be played using those applications provided....,

can't compile your java/c++ programs due to no compiler associated with ur terminal...,

u can't customize the appearence to a great extent...

u can't connect to a wifi link in ur college/railway station/hotel room with ur network tool.

The solution...
There are a vast range of applications are available for installing in the linux...
These applications are called packages...and can be installed from some commands using ur linux terminal. Also their are available as packages itself from the websites.

eg: www.appnr.com

U just download it and install them by using ur webbrowser to login to appnr... I'm sure u will get a sexy OS never before.

To install a package in ubuntu look for the next post....


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