02 June, 2009

The way to Multibooting: VMware & VirtualBox

This is all for those who try many operating systems at the same time... and those who want to test a dose of the newly released operating system...with out making any changes to ur Master Boot Record or to ur current system... VMware is having only windows versions, but virtual box is available in windows and linux.

U don't need to worry about partitioning if u r not aware of it. Here u can specify any of your harddisk drives for the purpose of storage for the other operating systems... The guest operating systems will use the free space available in the windows without harming anything to your files...

  • u don't specifically need the installation cd/dvd of the operating system... an image file in .iso format will also do the same...

  • u can create the files in the guest and can restrict the amount of HDD occupied by them...

  • u can allocate no: of processors for the guest operating system out ur dual/quad core processor...

  • u can specify the amount of RAM for the guest since this ...

so a lot of freedom and customization... no risks of careless paritioning....

u can download vmware from a torrent or online sharing website....


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