21 May, 2009

applying the security and encryption to folders from admin to user

U may be bored of trying some third party software for the purpose of providing some encryption to the folders and files. But in vista it can be simlpy done with the help of windows security system...First of all u have to create a different user account other than your administrator account... Login to your administrator account and move to the folder which u want to encrypt.

Right click and select the properties tag... move onto the security tab...
[fig 1] there u will see some accounts like administrator,user ...
Click on the Advanced button.......................................

If list will not have the user account... click the add button and type in the name of the user u want...

Select the user [fig 2]... click on the edit button [fig3] to change the security previlages,
Another window will be opened and u can do any thing u wish at that window...

Thier u can provide/deny full control or provide read only access or something like that u see their... as u wish...

thats all ...

Now logout out from the administrator account and login as the user... and try to access that folder...

you cant access it......


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