tleds is debian based appliation that is used to indicate the netwotk traffic using your keyboard LEDs. As you know the led lights in the keyboard for indicating scroll lock, numlock have no other purpose other than just glowing to indicate this features are active. These remain off during most of the time.
So let's use these LED's to indicate the network traffic of your system. You can make them blinking when you send/recieve packets into network or internet.
This can be done by just downloading a small package called tleds.
Installing tleds
Take the terminal and type in as follows
So let's use these LED's to indicate the network traffic of your system. You can make them blinking when you send/recieve packets into network or internet.
This can be done by just downloading a small package called tleds.
Installing tleds
Take the terminal and type in as follows
sudo apt-get install tleds
You have to show, for which connection these LEDs should blink. You will issue the command ifconfig in the terminal to see the name of active connection. The commandline is
sudo tleds wlan0 -- represents the wireless connection
sudo tleds ppp0 -- represents the point to point connection (eth0,
mobile broadband )
also you can issue command below for further control
sudo tleds ppp0 -d 100
100 represents the delay between the blinking in microseconds. This delay represents the blinking speed. You can also issue command like this. Here the default delay 200ms will be used.
That's all. Take your browser and search for something... See the lights in your keyboard blinking..
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